Confronting Suburban Poverty

On September 25 and September 26, Confronting Suburban Poverty in America Authors Elizabeth Kneebone and Alan Berube joined BRicK Partners for a series of meetings with suburban policymakers, public and private sector funders, service providers and other key stakeholders – concluding with a Convening hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank. Please click here to view the agenda, the authors’ presentation and other relevant materials.

The purpose of these convenings, akin to ones BRicK has helped Brookings plan with key partners in Boston and Denver, is to support engaged public officials, community leaders, funders, economic development and service providers in learning from each other — in order to address barriers, challenges and opportunities identified in Confronting Suburban Poverty in America. Discussions focus on current and future approaches to addressing poverty at the right scale by (i) integrating services and service delivery, (ii) collaborating across sectors and jurisdictions, and (iii) using limited resources strategically. For more information, and to explore next steps, please contact There is lots of promising momentum underway, including Cook County’s own leadership in implementing some of the book’s key recommendations.
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